Tuesday 23 March 2010

direct mailing

As people are now coming to be more and more technical based, it is very important that event that are promoting their event must keep update by sending emails, instead leaflets thought the post. It is a wiser choice to send direct mail as more people are able to check their emails and be on the internet through their phones or at work.

The NME send a direct email out every week, just before their own magazine has been sent out. On this direct mail it talks about happening at the awards show and the running up to it. The Manchester tattoo shows did not send out any direct mailing, and when signing up to a few times it did not seem to work. This very big problem as people may not have been aware of the news that was been posted on their website.


As the Manchester international tattoo show they are sponsored by many different company, as it is a small event and it need funding to be help to run, these sponsorship are very big labels and suitable for the type of event.

Sponsorships are very good idea as they help to gain awareness of the event, but also people may attend the show just for the sponsor as there will be stall there.
This is very good idea to have at event as it help with cost and gain more publicity, they seem to relay on this to much as they have not done much marketing else where.
MNE awards show has it own sponsorship as it gains money for other areas such as the magazine, gigs, but the other sponsorship they have is shock waves.

Sunday 21 March 2010


The website to both the event is both very different, as they have to choose to be set out in very different ways. For the NME awards show website is not direct website as it is for the NME Company itself where you have to search for the information about the award show. Where as the Manchester tattoo show is direct and their website is just about the event itself. You do not need to search for it as it all there. It would be ideal to have a more direct website as it better than having to research for the information.
If someone just fell open on to the website having the information about the event would be more realistic and would understand the event straight away. Having a website for promoting is important to keep it update with regular information.
Unfautenly Manchester tattoo show were not the best at updating their website and keeping people informed about what was going on in the event. The NME website keep their website very up to date talking about the different things that were going n with the event and the lead up to, using different materials such as videos, interviews and blogs which keeps people more interest. For setting up a website for an event it would best to make sure that keeping viewers update is important to make sure that they are kept interested and what to attend the event.
The NME website looks more interesting and would draw me more into their events. the tattoo show website is very boring and has not really been thought about such as the their poster, no imaginations, just PLAIN boring. once again nobody thought of using the artist they where advertising on their events.


Tit4tat is a charity who have been chosen as the main charity for the 9Th annual show for Manchester show.

By choosing choosing to use a Charity Can aim for different people, for example this charity is about women who have been effected breast cancer, this press release is on the website, on this press release talks about story a women went through breast cancer to give back their beauty to them and feel better about themselves.
it a very wise chose to use the charity as its is based on tattooing but also it a very well know illness that has taken away many peoples life's and ruined peoples life's.


Tit4Tat is a newly formed charity, working in conjunction with Pennine Acute Hospitals Link4Pink, raising money for The Victoria Breast Unit at The Royal Oldham Hospital. Our objective is to raise money for a tattoo machine that will enable patients to have an areola tattooed on after breast reconstructive surgery. This procedure is already being performed successfully throughout the world including North Manchester General Hospital which is where current patients need to be referred to.

1 in 9 women and 1 in 100 men are diagnosed with breast cancer so the chances are at some stage in our lives most of us will know someone who has been diagnosed with this disease. For some the treatment will be a mastectomy which is physically, emotionally and psychologically devastating and traumatic.

I was one of those people affected when my best friend Toni was diagnosed with breast cancer in September 2009. She had to have a mastectomy and she is now undergoing reconstructive surgery and will eventually have an areola tattooed on her newly reconstructed breast. It was whilst discussing the reconstruction with her surgeon that he mentioned that they didn’t have their own tattoo machine at The Victoria Unit and it was then that Toni promised that she would raise the money for the machine and so Tit4Tat was born.

We will be at Manchester Tattoo Show on the 6th & 7th of March 2010. The organisers have very kindly "adopted" Tit4Tat as the show’s officially supported charity. The link is pretty obvious and the show is the ideal place to demonstrate that not only is tattooing a form of body art but it also helps to give women who choose to have reconstructive surgery a way of regaining their lost femininity.

We hope this has given you a brief insight into what it is we are trying to achieve and we hope you will pop along and see our stand at the Tattoo Show and of course give generously.

Monday 1 March 2010



The poster is for the Manchester international tattoo show.

the poster for the show is not the most eye catching, a little boring, if this was in a shop or put up some where, people would just work pass it without knowing its there.
the poster itself has as the information that it needs, to tell everyone about the event.
this poster does not look like its had time taken on this poster.
the created of the poster have not be given a very clear brief, explaining what it meant to be, also it seems that they may not of had department for marketing, or anyone for artwork.
to say that the event is a tattoo show, where artist draw on people with needles, who makes beautiful piece of art work, and they came out with this poster.
they should of use the artist or ask them to come up with a better poster that is eye catching and useful. or use this as a running competition that could be held to get the event more before hand and then the winner poster is used for the event it self.
this poster is very boring, it does not interest me at all, it doesn't not have any bright colors, no design to bring me into read it, if it was on the wall.
i can tell that it poster is design just for tattoo artist, but they also well if they were not looking for it then they would miss it. even having the artist's names that are showing, it is too small to even catch any names.
At the very top of the poster they have placed the sponser, by doing this they will attacked different people who may have different interest then just tattooing. Such as the Vans on the wall logo, as these company are skating company, they supplies boarding shoes are the most famous for, but also doing other clothing.

This poster is from Singapore Tat 2 show 2010

I have used this one as example at the different to the Manchester poster, to me this is fair better idea to use this poster for a tattoo show, this one is showing a very classic desgin, already bring people into the this poster. it doesnt have too much writing just the right information, that needs to be there.
To me it looks like that they have taken their time on this poster, thinking who there aiming at, how to bring people into the that poster.
Using the tattoo gun, on the poster show very clear what this poster might be advertising.


The placing of the poster is very important, they have to look at the different magazines that they should place them in, such as 'Tattoo energy' or tattoo scout' these are British based tattoo magazine these are one the biggest tattoo magazines. It would not be wise to put them in some such as as the American base magazine as they American, and based over there, these magazines such as 'Skin & ink'