Tuesday 23 February 2010


In any businesses marketing is important to make sure that you meet the needs and wants of your customer and making profitable for you. when marketing is used, it is usually used when company is wanting to sell a product or service they may have created.

The businesses has to look at many different factors for their product or service.

  • potential customers.
  • what their needs maybe.
  • the needs the customers may have, and see if the product or service can met them.
  • how they should meet them.
  • looking at the competition
  • what area you product should be in ( niche market)
  • pricing

The areas i Will be most looking at for my two events are is the advertising and promotion.
there are different types of advertising, that each event may use depending on how much they have to spend or what best advertising is best to reach the target audience that they are aiming for.

Internet advertising

one of the most modern ways of advertising is using the online advertising, this is where they may use online banner ads, these are where you may go onto a website, at at the top of the page there be an advert. online advertising is used more is now as a lot more people are using Internet for work such emails, researching, people are using the Internet for socializing, such as facebook, twitter, myspace and bebo.

Advert could be used on here in may different ways, depending which site they may be using and who they maybe aiming for. banner are improving, and have to keep up to date with modern technical, banner can have very sophisticated animation, large sky spcarers, basic banner and ads that can be expanded.

this advert is example of online banner, where i found it on the NME website. this banner is a changing banner, with different information, and different pictures also with specking.

newspaper and magazine advertising

the most common form of advertising is using newspaper and magazine, these are most commonly used as they are the cheap form of advertising but the bigger the sprend the more money it will cost. Using newspapers/magazine is is important to remember what tpye of product you are selling, which is important as you need to look at the demographic, aduiance and they type of newspaper/magazine. when using these as advertising you have to keep it simple, making sure the right and important information is placed in it.

radio advertising

when using radio advertising you have to make sure that you hit it dead on the mark, to suscessed on using radio ads. this is because you have to make sure that you are using the right radio station, becasue you have to reacearch what you target market will be and which station they may listen to,but also waht times they maybe listening too. when looking at radio sation you need to depmand if you are going to broadcast it local or national.

Televison advertising

using a television advertising is one of the most expenice form of advertising, this is because when using an advert on tv, you have to pay every time it is shown, also depending on what the channel you have put it on, also looking at what time you want you advert to be played.

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